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Close up of dry, roasted cacao beans | Rachael Tanner Cacao Ceremony
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Facilitator of Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Rachael is a passionate ceremonialist, specialising in the facilitation of the sacred Cacao from the Theobroma tree. She has learned this healing art of service under the guidance of:

  • Keith's Cacao Power of Cacao Facilitation Training

  • Alchemical Artistry Self Mastery Facilitator Training

Ceremony will often include some of the following: Intention Setting, Breathwork, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Yin Yoga, Somatic Flow Movement, Fire Ceremony, Nature Immersion. 

What is Cacao?

Cacao comes from the Theobroma Cacao Tree, which literally translates to ‘Food of the Gods’. Cacao has its propagated origins at Lake Atitilan, Guatemala. Criollo ‘Native’ beans grown in ancient rainforests, prepared and stone ground in the traditional way, with ethical principles to ensure full potency and clean energy. The ‘spirit of cacao’ is a powerful FORCE. She is the ‘Divine Mother’ and works with heart-centred-connection, compassion, and nourishment to respectfully shift states of consciousness. Cacao will show the tenderness to form us, guide us, transform us. Respect the spirit of cacao. Receive with your heart and connection of mind towards the sacred, towards the medicine.

About our Cacao Ceremony

A cacao ceremony is a unified ritualistic event with a purpose, usually consisting of a number of artistic components, performed on a special occasion. It is a conscious act of connecting to the vast web of life. We express gratitude for this connection as we partner with all our relations and move into deep communion, finding our common union, with Nature Consciousness.

My intention as the facilitator of this cacao ritual is to hold a safe and sacred space for the nourishment of the participants, and to carry my embodied wisdom into our field on a physical, emotional, energetic, psychological, relational, ancestral, and collective field.

Ceremony applies two key principles: sacred reciprocity, to live in right relationship with nature... and Love, centring our consciousness in acceptance and appreciation for all of creation.

Mugs, abalone shell and bouquet of native Australian flowers, used in Cacao Ceremony | Rachael Tanner - Ceremonialist
Close up of hands holding mugs filled with cacao, as part of a Cacao Ceremony | Rachael Tanner - Ceremonialist

Book a Cacao Ceremony


Ceremony will often include some of the following: opening sacred space, intention setting, journalling, community connection, guided yin, yoga nidra, meditation, somatic flow movement, sound healing, fire ceremony, ocean bathing and nature Immersion. 

Image of Keith's Cacao on a wooden stool, next to a candle, used in a Cacao Ceremony | Rachael Tanner - Ceremonialist

Special offer

Create your own cacao ritual at home with Keiths' Cacao, the world's finest ceremonial-grade cacao from Guatemala. Shop from this link to receive a 5% discount off your order.​


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